
View the Project on GitHub teika97/duke

User Guide

1. Introduction

Project Duke is a a Personal Assistant Chatbot that helps a person keep track of various things. In order to run Duke, please ensure you have Java versions 11 installed in your computer.

Download the latest version of Duke i.e. duke-0.3.jar.

To run the application:

2. Features

This application contains the following features as described in this section. Please follow the set command syntax as shown below:

2.1 Add new tasks into the task list

There are several types of tasks that can be inserted into the task list.

Command Syntax:

todo task_description: A todo task will be added into the list

event task_description /at date time: A event that happens at the date time stated will be added into the list

deadline task_description /by date time: A deadline that expires at the date time stated will be added into the list

Expected Usage Expected Outcome
todo Buy books [T][☓] Buy books
event Birthday party /at 11-08-2019 16:00 [E][☓] Birthday party (at: 11 August, 2019, 04:00 PM)
deadline Project submission /by 19-10-2019 23:59 [D][☓] Project submission (by: 19 August, 2019, 11:59 PM)

For date time format, please use dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm.

By default, all tasks are set as incomplete.

2.2 Mark a task as completed

The user can indicate a task as completed in the list using this feature.

Command Syntax:

done list_num: The task at list_num will be set as done

Expected Usage Expected Outcome
done 2 Acknowledgement that task has been marked as done

2.3 Delete a task from the list

The user can delete a task from the list using this feature.

Command Syntax:

delete list_num: The task at list_num will be removed from the list

Expected Usage Expected Outcome
delete 2 Acknowledgement that task has been removed from list

2.4 Find all tasks that have a particular keyword

The user can find all tasks with task descriptions containing the specified keyword.

Command Syntax:

find key_word: Finds and lists all tasks with a task description containing the key_word

Expected Usage Expected Outcome
find birthday List of all tasks with the keyword ‘birthday’

2.5 Sort the list according to task type as well as date and time

The user can sort a list according to task type, which each task type sorted according to the following order:

Command Syntax:

sort: Sorts all tasks in list

Expected Usage Expected Outcome
sort Acknowledgement that command has been completed.

2.6 Print all tasks in the task list

The user can print out the entire task list in the format as follows: Task_type Task_status Task_description In the event that the task is an event or deadline. The respective date and time will also be printed.

Command Syntax:

list: Prints all tasks in list

Expected Usage Expected Outcome
list List of all tasks in task list
Task Task_type
To-Do [T]
Event [E]
Deadline [D]

Note that task_status is marked with a tick if completed, and a cross if incomplete.

2.7 Exit application

The user can exit the program and save the new task list using this command. Note that if the user does not exit properly, the changes will not be saved.

Command Syntax:

bye: Exits the application

Expected Usage Expected Outcome
bye Exit application

3. External Storage of Task List

Duke saves all tasks in the task list into a file called data.txt found in the data directory that can be found in the duke directory.

In the case that there is no such directory, a new directory and file will be created accordingly. However, if the file and directory already exist, then all tasks in the task list will be loaded into the application upon startup.

Do note that any changes made to the file externally will be reflected in the application upon startup.